Our cities of LaFayette, Lanett and Valley are in Chambers County, Alabama, and West Point is in both Troup and Harris Counties Georgia. The famed Chattahoochee River runs right through, north to south, offering unlimited scenic and recreational attractions.
We have state-of-the-art healthcare facilities, libraries with innovative programs for all ages and city recreation programs. Our temperate southern climate, with our lakes and river and hiking-biking trails, means year-round recreation opportunities. Our average winter daily temperature is in the 60s, in summer, the 80s.
Education is a top priority reflected in the excellence of the area’s four school systems, Chambers County, Lanett City, Troup County and Harris County, and our private schools. Higher education is locally available at Point University, based in West Point, GA and Southern Union State Community College located in Valley, AL. Auburn (AL) University is only 30 minutes away and LaGrange (GA) College is just 20 minutes away.
Our civic clubs – Kiwanis International, Lions Club International, Rotary International and other local organizations – are committed to enhancing quality of life through community involvement. Other organizations offer unlimited volunteer opportunities.
The community’s busy calendar is a reflection of the scope of upcoming events and opportunities to be involved in community life. From the young family relocating for career opportunities to the retirees looking for a relaxing but stimulating lifestyle, we believe you’ll find your best place right here!
For relocation information for your family or business, please contact the Greater Valley Area Chamber of Commerce. We would love to provide our information packet to you.