Chamber Benefits
The mission of the Greater Valley Area Chamber of Commerce is to serve as a catalyst for business and commerce by promoting growth, education, and program development.
Joining the GVACC Chamber is a great way for your company to have more visibility as well as give back to the communities we serve.
Membership entitles you to a valuable package of benefits and services, to include:
AdvertisingWebsite advertising opportunities.
Business CardMember Business Cards & Brochures displayed at Chamber office.
Business referralsWe refer “only” our members to residents, newcomers, visitors and businesses seeking a product or service in our areas.
Business SeminarsBusiness Seminars, Workshops and Expos held throughout the year.
Free PromotionFree e-mail promotion of your business events to all members.
Meet Elected OfficialsThe Chamber offers opportunities to meet elected officials and become more informed about local and area issues.
Member DiscountMember Discount on business insurance with Auto Owners Insurance.
NetworkDevelopment of a network of your peers.
Networking Events
(Sponsor and/or Attend)Business at Breakfast, Business After Hours, Fast Pitch Networking Event, Professional Conference & Business Expo, Annual Membership Meeting and other events developed and announced as scheduled. -
Networking EventsMeet potential new customers through networking events.
Ribbon CuttingsNew, relocating, and expanding businesses. Free newspaper publicity for your business.
Website Listings and LinksYour business will be listed in our Directory of Members with a link to your business website. Each business member will be given a business profile page for detailed information relative to your business.
Tourism EventsTourism events that bring people from other areas and provide a good boost to the economy of The Greater Valley Area.
VolunteerVolunteer to join a Chamber Committee, i.e. Education Committee, Tourism Committee, Ambassador Committee, Governmental Affairs Committee to increase your business’s exposure to area residents.